brand DESIGN
Lead designer with focus on branding – executing marketing and product creative for six sporting goods brands. Lead contributor crafting sales and marketing assets for a diverse range of needs.
Lead in-store brand merchandising and retail fixture components design showcasing distinctive products and initiatives
Integrated B2B and B2C campaigns, coordinating targeted print and digital sales catalogs, email campaigns, consumer awareness campaigns, eCommerce, and website content
Managed design and brand guides for internal teams and outside partners
Product design for yearly SKUS and specialty products
Multi-brand experience: Aqualung, U.S. Divers, Stohlquist, Aquasphere,
In-store merchandising and environmental design
In-store display design and manufacturing specification. Used to create stand-out effect for innovative dive computer.
Role: Lead designer for U.S. Divers branding and interactive sales guides.
Open Water diver and Photographer. Used opportunity to expand my technical skills to a new professional environment.
B2B and B2C email campaign designer promoting sales and brand activities to further mission.
Stohlquist branding relaunch and marketing design. I Contributed product design and project management skills to effectively launch identity – creating a credible look, combining technical and adventure appeal.
Stohlquist product launch and design.